Mahabodhi Suknachari Branch, Tripura
Mahabodhi Suknachari Branch Tripura was established on 17th December 2013 on the Full moon Day by the blessings of Bada Bhante and under the guidance of Rajinda Bhante, Kasspa Bhante and Ananda Bhante too was also present in establishing day. The center is developing gradually and already has shown a lot of potential to grow into a big center. Ven Nyanarakkhita is the in charge of the branch. At present follow activities are run at the center.
- Mahabodhi Monastic Institute for meditation, yoga and development of culture
- Mahabodhi School
- Mahabodhi boys’ hostel
- Mahabodhi girls’ hostel
In the school there are over 200 children from remote villeges and in the hostel 75 students.