Mahabodhi Hospital and Medical Services

Mahabodhi Burns and Casualty Center

Mahabodhi burns and casualty center is dedicated to the service of burns patients which is one of the biggest in India. Today it houses and treats hundreds of burns patients. It is situated in Victoria Hospital complex in the heart of Bengaluru city and is managed by the Government of Karnataka. The Students and lay devotees of Mahabodhi Maitri Mandala visit the hospital every month and distribute fruits, buns etc., to the patients and provide counseling to the patients and relatives.

Mahabodhi Medical Assistance & Relief program

Mahabodhi has supported many poor people to receive medical support. During the natural disasters or difficult times, Mahabodhi always does its best to help as many people as possible. Due to Corona virus crisis thousands of people are getting relief materials through Mahabodhi.

Mahabodhi Hospital Dana Service

The Hospital Dāna service, initiated by Bada Bhanteji in 1956, was one of MMM's earliest programs, born from witnessing the suffering of patients at Victoria Hospital. Deeply cherished by our founder, it continues to touch the lives of many in need. Even today, on Purnima and special occasions, students visit Mahabodhi Burns Center, Kidwai Cancer Hospital, and others, distributing food to patients, offering Buddha's teachings, and counseling them and their families on handling illness with a calm, clear mind. This compassionate service runs year-round.

Mahabodhi Arogya Hospital, Bengaluru

Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita was determined to build a hospital with the concept of holistic medicine in Jayanagar Bengaluru. He built Mahabodhi Arogya Hospital which has served countless people. Work is going on to expand the services giving more facilities.

Mahabodhi Karuna Medical Center, Bengaluru:

Mahabodhi Karuna Medical Center is running offering free medical care to the needy since 45 years. In earlier years it was artificial limb center where limbs were manufactured and donated in the villages. MMM has entered into collaboration with Aarogya Seva, a charitable organization engaged in health services around the world. Today with modern technology 3D prints of limbs are made and offered. Medical camps and student health program are run under this center. During the year

  • No. of Prosthetics made – 200
  • No. of Satellite centers set up – 5
  • No. of workshops and trainings at the center – 10
  • No. of Girls trained – 1200
  • No. of Volunteers engaged – 500
  • No. of Patients reached – 1500
  • No. of school students screened – 2000
  • No. of Menstrual Hygiene Training sessions – 5

Mahabodhi Monastic Institute for Moral Education


The courses offered were PSLC: Pali School Leaving Certificate at Nalanda Pali Vijjayatana – Primary and secondary school education from class Pavesana (Preliminary) to class X which is called as Pariyatti Pathama. Pariyatti Majjhima or Diploma course in Pali Studies was also offered for the duration of one year.

NIOS Study

MMI is also facilitating eligible students to study the courses of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) as a part of general studies. This option enables the students to get admission in graduation courses in various colleges and universities.

Summer Camps

During the school vacations summer camps are organized for students.  Many interesting programs like Drawing, Dhamma quiz competition, extempore speech, paper arts and crafts, painting of monastery, indoor games etc were organized. The students participate in every program happily, actively and are awarded with prizes.

Meditation program

Mediation is the heart of a Student's life. Learning without practice becomes only an intellectual activity whereas learning along with meditation helps to grow wisdom. Students are encouraged to learn and practice meditation from the early age in a simple and effective way.

Art and Craft projects

Skillful in arts and handicrafts is indeed a blessing. This skill does reflect in their day to day activities to solve problem.  From time to time Students are given exposure to develop their creative skills. Various guest visitors conduct special classes on art.

Blood donations

Giving Dāna is an important step for good human beings for the progress in social, moral and spiritual life and Blood donations are considered as one of the highest forms of Dāna, which means helping somebody to live longer or to have successful critical operations. MMM conducts normally 3 blood donation camps for various patients like cancer patients, dengue patients etc. and with every passing year the Blood donation is becoming popular amongst the Students.

Cultural Enrichment through Daily Program

Everyday puja and meditation are conducted regularly. Morning it is from 05:30 a.m. to 06:30 a.m. and evening it is from 06:00 p.m. to 07:15 p.m. On full moon days there is special puja at 10 a.m.