Mahabodhi Burns and Casualty Center:

Mahabodhi burns and casualty center is dedicated to the service of burns patients which is one of the biggest in India. Today it houses and treats hundreds of burns patients. It is situated in Victoria Hospital complex in the heart of Bengaluru city and is managed by the Government of Karnataka. The Students and lay devotees of Mahabodhi Maitri Mandala visit the hospital every month and distribute fruits, buns etc., to the patients and provide counseling to the patients and relatives.

Mahabodhi Hospital Dana Service:

Mahabodhi Medical Assistance & Relief program

Mahabodhi has supported many poor people to receive medical support. During the natural disasters or difficult times, Mahabodhi always does its best to help as many people as possible. Due to Corona virus crisis thousands of people are getting relief materials through Mahabodhi.

Mahabodhi Arogya Hospital, Bengaluru

Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita was determined to build a hospital with the concept of holistic medicine in Jayanagar Bengaluru. He built Mahabodhi Arogya Hospital which has served countless people. Work is going on to expand the services giving more facilities.

Mahabodhi Karuna Medical Center, Bengaluru

Mahabodhi Karuna Medical Center is running offering free medical care to the needy since 45 years. In earlier years it was artificial limb center where limbs were manufactured and donated in the villages. MMM has entered into collaboration with Aarogya Seva, a charitable organization engaged in health services around the world. Today with modern technology 3D prints of limbs are made and offered. Medical camps and student health program are run under this center. During the year

  • No. of Prosthetics made – 200
  • No. of Satellite centers set up – 5
  • No. of workshops and trainings at the center – 10
  • No. of Volunteers engaged – 500
  • No. of Patients reached – 1500
  • No. of school students screened – 2000
  • No. of Menstrual Hygiene Training sessions – 5
  • No. of Girls trained – 1200



The courses offered were PSLC: Pali School Leaving Certificate at Nalanda Pali Vijjayatana – Primary and secondary school education from class Pavesana (Preliminary) to class X which is called as Pariyatti Pathama. Pariyatti Majjhima or Diploma course in Pali Studies was also offered for the duration of one year.

NIOS Study:

MMI is also facilitating eligible students to study the courses of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) as a part of general studies. This option enables the students to get admission in graduation courses in various colleges and universities.

Summer Camps:

During the school vacations summer camps are organized for students.  Many interesting programs like Drawing, Dhamma quiz competition, extempore speech, paper arts and crafts, painting of monastery, indoor games etc were organized. The students participate in every program happily, actively and are awarded with prizes.

Meditation program:

Mediation is the heart of a Student’s life. Learning without practice becomes only an intellectual activity whereas learning along with meditation helps to grow wisdom. Students are encouraged to learn and practice meditation from the early age in a simple and effective way.

Art and Craft projects:

Skillful in arts and handicrafts is indeed a blessing. This skill does reflect in their day to day activities to solve problem.  From time to time Students are given exposure to develop their creative skills. Various guest visitors conduct special classes on art.

Blood donations:

Giving Dāna is an important step for good human beings for the progress in social, moral and spiritual life and Blood donations are considered as one of the highest forms of Dāna, which means helping somebody to live longer or to have successful critical operations. MMM conducts normally 3 blood donation camps for various patients like cancer patients, dengue patients etc. and with every passing year the Blood donation is becoming popular amongst the Students.

Cultural Enrichment through Daily Program:

Everyday puja and meditation are conducted regularly. Morning it is from 05:30 a.m. to 06:30 a.m. and evening it is from 06:00 p.m. to 07:15 p.m. On full moon days there is special puja at 10 a.m.


Mahabodhi School, Mysuru

Venerable Acharya Dr. Buddharakkhita Bhanteji founded Mahabodhi educational institutions to be “a child friendly school” with a view to give the best of modern education along with character building teachings. The school provides ‘holistic education’ in an atmosphere of love and care allowing the children to grow naturally and happily developing intelligence, compassion and wisdom at every stage. Holistic Education is to bring about personal evolution, physical fitness, emotional balance, strength, social responsibility, cultural richness & spiritual growth of a child. It is achieved by:

  1. Building of Character education based on moral and spiritual principles constituting the foundation of happiness and peace.
  2. Academic studies, which fulfills one’s intellectual thirst and also help a person to and one’s profession in life to help oneself and others; and
  3. Caring inner and outer environment which includes relationship with people and nature around oneself.

Staff and Students:

Mahabodhi School, Mysore, affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi, runs with 400 children from the classes Nursery to Grade X Std. The school is well equipped with experienced and dedicated 23 teaching staff and 10 non-teaching staff.

Mahabodhi Carla Student Home, Mysuru

Mahabodhi Carla Students Home, Mysuru is home with a multicultural, diverse and geographically dispersed deserving boys. It provides equal opportunity to achieve excellence in academic, cultural, sport, civic, leadership and social endeavors. It provides an inclusive environment that supports learning, teaching and friendship through moral and spiritual training and guidance. 

Mahabodhi Mettaloka Youth Center

Mahabodhi Mettaloka Youth Centre is a branch of Mahabodhi Maitri Mandala in Mysuru where students completing schooling from Carla Students Home are provided opportunities to study further in colleges.


The Mahabodhi branch in Hyderabad was started in 2015 and steadily more and more people are being benefited through cultural, educational and moral programs. Mahabodhi has the following programs in Hyderabad center

  1. Meditation Workshops
  2. Moral Education and Monastic Training
  3. Sunday Meditation and Pravachan Programs
  4. Celebration of Cultural events 
  5. School Students Moral education programs and meditation

The meditation workshop conducted by Venerable Dhammapala is benefitting more and more people. The number of session and the participants are increasing fast. The workshop is open to all, irrespective of any religion or other social denominations. It aims at bringing about health and happiness back among the people who are eagerly looking forward to bring stability of mind and regain peace in their lives. Since lockdown happened, the workshop went online and a huge number of people flocked to attend the session, people attended from around the world.

Sunday Evening Meditation and Discourse Program are carried out throughout the year without a single break, this is in keeping with the tradition of Bada Bhanteji who started it since the inception and continued without a break till today. As the Vihara’s scenic hilltop landscape attracts lots of tourist in the evening, especially during Sunday, the program benefitted many tourists who would otherwise never get a chance to listen to pravachans and practice meditation.


Mahabodhi Diyun center was established in the year 2003 with the blessing of Ven. Acharya Buddharakkhita, Founder President of Mahabodhi organizations, Bengaluru. The center was established with the objectives of helping the poor people of the North-Eastern part of India through humanitarian and spiritual services. Follow are the programs runs at Diyun:   

  1. Mahabodhi School
  2. Mahabodhi Rita Girls Home
  3. Mahabodhi Boys Home
  4. Mahabodhi Moral Training Centre
  5. Mahabodhi Medical Centre
  6. Mahabodhi Evening Sunday Program for Children
  7. Mahabodhi Morning Sunday program for public
  8. Mahabodhi Agricultural Program
  9. Mahabodhi Self Sustaining Atmanirbhar project
  10. Mahabodhi Loka Shanti Cultural Stupa
  11. Mahabodhi Sacred Bodhi Vriksha
  12. Mahabodhi Dhammavijaya Meditation Centre

The Cemter conducts humanitarian and spiritual activities under the chairmanship of Venerable Bhikkhu Panyarakkhita.


The Mahabodhi Namsai center was established in the year 2012 under the blessing of Most Venerable Dr. Acharya Buddharakkita PhD., D. Lit., Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotika Dhaja, Founder president of Mahabodhi organization, Bengaluru.

Initial work of Mahabodhi Namsai centre was started in a small rented room at Namsai. From there the ground work of establishing and developing the Mahabodhi Namsai a branch centre of Mahabodhi Society Bengaluru took place. With the preliminary survey Mahabodhi has decided to start a degree college as soon as possible. Therefore, in the beginning Mahabodhi Lord Buddha Collage, Namsai, has stared functioning from the academic year 2013 in an abandoned old school building at Namsai. At the same time a new building construction has started on the plot of land donated by the public leaders, youth organizations and local people of the area to Mahabodhi. On January 2015 we have sifted the collage to the new building constructed by the public work department of government of Arunachal Pradesh with the financial assistance of government in our own campus near Namsai. At present various humanitarian activity are being conducted in this centre, namely: 

1. Mahabodhi Lord Buddha collage – B.A., B.COM, B.ED, M.A. courses offered

2. Mahabodhi Maitri Girls Home.

3. Mahabodhi Monastic Institute.


In the beauty of Himalayan mountain in the remote place of Tawang, Mahabodhi Maitri Mandala in Tawang was established in 2008 with the blessings of Bada Bhanteji. Today our society is actively engaged in bringing about positive changes in the lives of students and elders of Tawang region through education and other humanitarian services. In this branch the following programs are being run

  1. Mahabodhi Girls Home for 150 girls
  2. Mahabodhi Boys Home for 70 boys
  3. Mahabodhi School upto 8th standard
  4. Mahabodhi Elders’Home for aged people
  5. Hospital services
  6. Village seva
  7. Meditation and moral education programs


Mahabodhi Dhammadutta Kanubari branch is located in the Louksim Village of Longding District Arunachal Pradesh. Kanubari is a small town and is mostly inhabited by the people of Wanchu tribe. A piece of land was donated by Late Sri Newlai Tingkhatra (Minister of Kanubari circle) to Mahabodhi Society to start a Mahabodhi Branch in Kanubari. For this noble act, the Society is overwhelmed and grateful to the donor Lt. Sri Newlai Tingkhatra and his family members. The vision behind this donation of land is to spread the dhamma and to open a Mahabodhi School for students who are lacking proper education. MahabodhiKanubari school would introduce moral and wisdom-based education to the students.

The foundation stone was laid down on 10th of march 2013 by Sri Chowna Mein, Deputy Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh. On this auspicious occasion, this branch was name as Mahabodhi Dhammaduta centre, Kanubari in the presence of Mahabodhi Bhikkhu Sangha.

Mahabodhi Kanubari branch have three institution is one campus:

  1. Mahabodhi Dhammaduta Center – Meditation and Yoga programs
  2. Mahabodhi Good-Will Boys Home
  3. Mahabodhi School Kanubari


Mahabodhi Suknachari Branch Tripura was established on 17th December 2013 on the Full moon Day by the blessings of Bada Bhante and under the guidance of Rajinda Bhante, Kasspa Bhante and Ananda Bhante too was also present in establishing day. The center is developing gradually and already has shown a lot of potential to grow into a big center. Ven Nyanarakkhita is the in charge of the branch. At present follow activities are run at the center.

  1. Mahabodhi Monastic Institute for meditation, yoga and development of culture
  2. Mahabodhi School
  3. Mahabodhi boys’ hostel
  4. Mahabodhi girls’ hostel

In the school there are over 200 children from remote villeges and in the hostel 75 students


Mahabodhi Chichingchera Tripura Branch is an institution in the Northern Part of the Tripura state, one of the remotest institutions situated at Chiching Chera. The hard work and dedication to start a center in as remote as Chinchingchera is not only recognized by the peoples but also appreciated by the State Government. The institution sets special prominence on both discipline and development for the general students and the novice Students. We run the following institutions here:

  1. Mahabodhi School upto 8th standard
  2. Mahabodhi Boys Home
  3. Mahabodhi Institute of Moral education and monastery
  4. Meditation and Cultural festivals
  5. De Addiction programs
  6. Blood Donation Camps and hospital dana services


This is Cultural Complex which was founded on 12th January 2017 under the guidance of Most Ven Kassapa Mahathera. The center will have a 108 feet high standing Buddha statue symbolizing peace, compassion, patience and love. The construction was started in February 2018, till now the foundation is completed. Once this project is completed, it will bring about interest, faith and peace to the people of Northeast India and other parts of India and the world. The center will also build a meditation centre in serene woods, a museum and a library to facilitate visitors and meditators to practice. This center will be a landmark tourist place in the whole of North-eastern part of India.


Mahabodhi Skill Developmetn cener, Nongataw was established on 3rd April 2018 by the blessing of Ven Acharya Buddharakkhita to make Atmanirbhar Bharat a reality in that remote area.

The main aim and objective of the center is to generate employment opportunities among the youth and school dropout students through a systematic skill development program as well as by imparting moral and character-building education, which will promote and contribute socio-economic development by creating sustainable means of livelihood for the local community.

Another important objective is to create forest meditation center where any interested yogi, Students and laity can come and practice meditation as long as they want.

The Aim of the Centre at present are:

  1. Spiritual development
    1. Sunday school in a nearby village
    2. Counselling programs
    3. Meditation workshop
  2. Multi-skill development
    1. Wood works
    2. Handicrafts
    3. Modern agriculture program
  3. Social development
    1. Public event programs
    2. Old age home
    3. Cleanliness drives and campaigns
    4. Nurture rare species of plants


This place of peace and compassion holds a special place for all the follower of the Lord Buddha as in the holiest of holy places for Buddhist all over the world. The Bodhisatta attained the Supreme Enlightenment and became the Sammasambuddha. It is a greatest accomplishment that we fulfilled the long-cherished wish of Bada Bhanteji to have center at the holiest place. The construction was successful completed and inaugurated on 8th March 2020 on the occasion of 98th birth anniversary of Ven Acharya Buddharakkhita. 

The center consists of three building-

  1. Meditation hall with library and Stupa on the top,
  2. Students residential building and
  3. Lay people residential building.

This center will function as meditation center for residential retreats and at other times as pilgrim center catering to yatris. All are welcome to make best use of it.