Mahabodhi, Diyun, Arunachal Pradesh

Mahabodhi Diyun center was established in the year 2003 with the blessing of Ven. Acharya Buddharakkhita, Founder President of Mahabodhi organizations, Bengaluru. The center was established with the objectives of helping the poor people of the North-Eastern part of India through humanitarian and spiritual services. Follow are the programs runs at Diyun:   

  1. Mahabodhi School
  2. Mahabodhi Rita Girls Home
  3. Mahabodhi Boys Home
  4. Mahabodhi Moral Training Centre
  5. Mahabodhi Medical Centre
  6. Mahabodhi Evening Sunday Program for Children.
  7.  Mahabodhi Morning Sunday program for public
  8. Mahabodhi Agricultural Program
  9. Mahabodhi Self Sustaining Atmanirbhar project
  10. Mahabodhi Loka Shanti Cultural Stupa
  11. Mahabodhi Sacred Bodhi Vriksha
  12. Mahabodhi Dhammavijaya Meditation Centre. 

The Center conducts humanitarian and spiritual activities under the chairmanship of Venerable Bhikkhu Panyarakkhita.